2008년 7월 29일 화요일


Most valueable creatures


댓글 14개:

Friend :

Wow! All of your friends are cool!! I am sorry to miss the chance to be in the picture with you and friends. Will you make another chance to take a picture with me? Bye~

Tomorrow is another day :

Hello heewon,

Nice pictures. I am sitting in Ms. Hollra's classroom now. Everybody here is every excited about this project. We are looking forward to communite with you soon ^^ We will have our blog ready next week. Take Care!

Tomorrow is another day :

Hello heewon,

BTW, we can't read Korean, Sorry. Could you please change the language setting of your blog to English. Thanks a million!

Amy B :

hey heewon! Nice blog, although its hard because i don't speak korean...

Friend :


앤더슨 고등학교 학생들의 블로그 리스트를 다 나누어 주었습니다.
여러분이 코멘트(comment)를 남기려고 하면, Google의 아이디와 비밀번호가 필요합니다.
Google 아이디 만들기 요령은 다음과 같습니다.

www.gmail.com -> Gmail에 가입하기 -> 성, 이름, 비밀번호, 단어확인 등을 기입 -> "동의합니다. 내 계정을 만들겠습니다."

이제 여러분은 google blog에 여러분의 글을 남길 수 있습니다.

앞으로 블로그와 관련된 공지는 김수미 선생님의 영어논술반을 통해서 하겠습니다.

궁금한 점이 있으면, 메일로, 블로그 글쓰기로, 혹은 직접 찾아와서 도움을 구하세요.

You are always welcome to teacher's office.

David :

Hi, Heewon! My name is David. I live in Austin, TX, which is in the US, and really like South Korea. I think that it looks really cool to live there, because of all of the advancements in technology there. What is it like? I saw a picture of your classroom. Is it hot in there? I saw a fan. Is there Air Conditioning? Please tell me. I'm eager to know.

Your most valuable creatures - are they fun to be around? What are their personalites like? What is that book that one of your friends is holding? Please respond.


David G.

Sam M :

Hello Heewon,
My name is Sam. I'm in Ninth Grade at Anderson High School in Austin, Texas, USA. I'm fourteen years old, and will be fifteen years old in November. I love to run and swim to stay in shape.

South Korea looks like a very interesting place to live. I enjoy Austin. It has approximately 700,000 people and is very urban with much diversity. Also, you may have heard rumors about Texas being a place with a lot of cowboys and horses and wide open plains. To a degree, this is true, but most of the people in the major cities are much like all the other people in the USA!

How is Korea? Do you like it there?

Thank you for your responses,

SaraS. :

Hey heewon!
I'm sara and i'm from Anderson High school! I think that it is so neat that we can talk to people from all around the world! I think that it is so cool that you live in South korea! So what are your favorite things to do? Do you like to listen to music? Well have a good day!

Sara =)

Friend :

21조 호주의 제이든 학생의 블로그는 악성 바이러스에 감염되었다고 합니다.
방문을 하지 않도록 합니다.

Will :

Hey Heewon! My name is Will, and I go to school in Austin, Texas, USA. Your class looks really exciting, and I think it's great that we're all in the same blog program. What did you do this summer?

Unknown :

Hello Heewon. :] I'm Janine, from Wilcox High School in Santa Clara, California. I look forward to being in this project--it's a bit of a challenge, since I can't read Korean, but I look forward to trying.

What grade are you in? I'm in my last year of high school, which would be 12th grade.

sc :

Hi Heewon!

You're in my group and I just realized I hadn't talked to you yet. What is it like in South Korea? What is your daily schedule at school?


Friend :

culture exchange 프로젝트의 일지를 읽어 보세요.
앤더슨 고등학교와 호주의 학생들이 이번 주에는 미국의 불법이민자와 관련하여 발생하는 문제에 대해 자신의 생각을 적고 있는 중입니다. 우리도 동남아시아인, 조선족등과 관련하여 불법이민의 문제가 존재하므로, 이런 문제에 대해 여러분의 생각을 적어보세요. 혹 도움이 필요하면 김수미선생님께 메일을 보내주세요.

SaraS. :

Hey Heewon! How are you doing? Thats really cool that we are able to see a picture if Yours friends at school! What is school like there? Have a good week =)

*Sara S*